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Yogabody – Science of Stretching Program
Description of Science of Stretching Program
If You Have 15 Minutes Per Day, I Can Double Your Flexibility in the Next 4 Weeks…
Unlock Your Hamstrings, Hips & Spine
How flexible do you want to become?
Top Benefits You’ll Experience
Improve Posture
If you look at modern bodies in profile, you’ll often see a forward tilted pelvis, sway back, hunched shoulders, and a text neck. Postural imbalanced often begin in teenage years and become problematic by middle age. A misaligned body moves inefficiently and is much more prone to injury. Fortunately, many of these conditions can be corrected with targeted training.
Reverse Aging
Can you get up and down from the floor without using your hands? Can you sit cross-legged comfortably? Are you able to interlace your hands behind your back with straight arms? How does your body look when you’re tying your shoes? Through flexibility training, you can regain the mobility of someone 10 years younger. This helps you enjoy your favorite activities, move without pain, and gives you confidence in your body.
Travel in Comfort
A huge part of the discomfort you experience from long car and airplane rides is due to poor mobility. When you regain your natural flexibility, it becomes easier and more comfortable to sit for long stretches of time—and yes, even cross-legged on the floor (that was always a huge one for me).
Improve Your Sleep
Muscle cramps, poor posture, and abnormal breathing patterns can be greatly reduced with proper pre-bed stretching exercises. Many find that with just 15 minutes of targeted stretching before bed, they sleep deeper and wake up refreshed.
Enjoy an Active Life
Whether you’re passionate about yoga, skiing, mountain biking, or just being able to throw a frisbee around in the park, when your body is open and limber, everything works and feels better. Movement becomes fun again.
Better Love Life
There is no need to explain how flexibility can help in this department; you can use your imagination.
Avoid Injuries
Tight muscles don’t cause injuries, poor movement patterns do. When you’re tight and imbalanced, your body creates work-arounds that get you into trouble. People with tight hips and hamstrings often externally rotate their hips and swing their legs when they walk or run. People with tight psoas muscles often sway their back and stick out their bum. People with tight shoulders are often in a constant hunch. These imbalances lead to lower back, neck, and knee injuries, among others.
The number one reason people stop running, going to the gym, or doing the activities they love is because they get hurt and lose momentum. Once you stop exercising, many people never get back to it. The good news is that with an intelligent self-care flexibility training regimen, you can move toward a balanced body and reduce your risk of injury for life.
Flexibility training is most useful for a prehab / rehab routine after exercise. Forget about bobbing up and down over your toes before a run, this intense approach uses a targeted mobility routine to transform your body, correct imbalances, and increase range of motion (ROM).
Reduce Pain, Stress & Tension
You are all-too-familiar with what it feels like to have soreness and post-workout pain, but did you know that mental and emotional stress can also get trapped in your shoulders, hips, and lower back? Stress changes your body language, and when that becomes chronic, pain and tension can manifest in trigger points in your body. Targeted stretching is perhaps the best remedy.
Joint pain, muscle soreness, and cramping can be reduced (and even eliminated) with intelligent mobility training. Your body is designed to express itself with a wide range of motion, and the more you tap into those natural patterns, the more the aches and pains of sedentary life fade. Many are surprised to learn that lower back pain is often a result of tight hip flexors, that neck pain can be due to locked-up shoulders, and that their hamstrings can trigger dozens of aches in the body.
Improve Circulation
Research shows that an intelligent stretching routine promotes vasodilation, increasing circulation, and boosting the health of the effected tissues. Cardiovascular strength is not the only factor affecting circulation. Since stiffness is often systemic, the tightness in the backs of your legs could indicate you have impaired circulation to your extremities and connective tissues. Flexibility training unblocks stuck areas and helps to naturally improve whole body circulation.
What You’ll Learn In Science of Stretching Program?
Cycle Through this Routine Each Week
- DAY 1: Hamstrings
- DAY 2: Hips
- DAY 3: Shoulders
- DAY 4: Back
- DAY 5: Wrists / Twists / Ankles
About Lucas Rockwood and YOGABODY
About Lucas Rockwood
I’m a yoga trainer, studio owner podcaster, and corporate wellness training. When I started practicing yoga, I couldn’t touch my toes, but within a very short period of time, I completely transformed my body and my life.
One of the things that frustrates me is that, for the most part, the ‘how to’ teachings in yoga are horrible. Most yoga teachers do a great job of showing you how flexible they are, but they are lousy at explaining how they got there.
How exactly did they get there?
Since I’m not naturally athletic or flexible, the question of ‘what is the best way to make progress’ has always been my focus. Over time, I’ve uncovered some very simple, yet powerful truths that I know will make a huge difference for you.
To date, I’ve trained more than 7,500 yoga teachers internationally. I have 2.5 million listens of my health and wellness podcast. I’ve spoken on the TedX Stage, I wrote a six-part series for Yoga Journal, and I’ve been interviewed on 16 different radio and television programs. In the corporate space, I train for companies like Facebook and Noom. I’m also a dad, a nutrition fanatic, a serial entrepreneur with an obsession for learning.
About Yogabody
YOGABODY is a yoga teacher owned and operated props and education company founded by Lucas Rockwood. We make yoga props including the Yoga Trapeze® and Awesome Toes®.
We have a top-rated podcast, the Lucas Rockwood Show, and we’re a leader in professional education worldwide. At YOGABODY, we believe that practice Is everything.
Yoga Teachers College®
Founded in 2006, Yoga Teachers College is YOGABODY’s professional education school. It’s a “Top 5” training school with over 21K graduates in 41 countries. Our school is science-based, business-positive, and future focused. The success of YTC graduates speaks for itself. No gurus, no incense, no chakras, no Om’s. We’ve taken the best of ancient yoga practiced and combined it with modern science and technology to provide trainees real career opportunities.
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